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Summary: Services Provided by Midwestern Engineers, Inc. Water MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides comprehensive planning services, design services and project representation for cities, towns, regional water districts, conservancy districts [...]
PO Box 295 Loogootee IN 47553
Phone: (812) 295-2800

Services Provided by Midwestern Engineers, Inc.


MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides comprehensive planning services, design services and project representation for cities, towns, regional water districts, conservancy districts and not for profit water utilities to provide their customers with safe and reliable drinking water. The following services are offered.

Comprehensive water system studies and preliminary engineering reports (PER)

Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) planning studies

Existing System Evaluation and Mapping

Computer hydraulic modeling

Evaluation of all feasible alternatives and recommendations for improvements

Probable project cost estimates

Public hearings

Assist with funding applications and overall project development

Provide design services (detailed construction plans and specifications) for rehabilitation, replacement or new facilities and general observation during construction for:

Water Supply Wells and Groundwater Treatment Facilities

Surface Water Intake Structures and Treatment Facilities

Water Pumping Stations

Ground and Elevated Steel and Concrete Storage Tanks

Water Distribution System

Assist with initial start-up of the facilities

Act as a liaison between the local entity and regulatory agencies, such as IDEM, IDNR, INDOT and Army Corps of Engineers

Full time or periodic project representation during construction

Right-of-Ways, Easement and Legal Descriptions


MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides comprehensive planning services, design services and project representation for cities, towns, regional sewer districts, conservancy districts and not for profit sewer utilities. The following services are offered:

Comprehensive wastewater system studies and preliminary engineering reports (PER)

Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) planning studies

Existing System Evaluation and Mapping

Flow Monitoring and Smoke Testing

Combined Sewer Overflow Operational Plans (CSOOP) and Long Term Control Plans (LTCP)

Evaluation of feasible alternatives and recommendations for improvements

Probable project cost estimates

Public hearings

Assist with funding applications and overall project development

Provide design services (detailed construction plans and specifications) for rehabilitation, replacement or new facilities and general observation during construction for:

Conventional Gravity or Low Pressure Sewer Systems

Wastewater Lift Stations and Force Mains

Wastewater Treatment Facilities

CSO Treatment Facilities

Assist with the initial start-up of the facilities

Act as a liaison between the local entity and regulatory agencies, such as IDEM, IDNR, INDOT and Army Corps of Engineers

Full time or periodic project representation during construction

Right-of-ways, Easement and Legal Descriptions


MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC.  provides comprehensive storm water drainage plans, design services, and storm water compliance assistance for cities, towns, counties, and the private sector to confront and manage storm water issues. The following services are offered:

Comprehensive drainage and storm water studies and reports

Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) planning studies

Hydrologic Computer Modeling

Watershed Mapping

Existing system evaluation

Evaluation of alternatives and recommendations for improvements

Public hearings

Probable project cost estimates

Provide final design services (detailed construction plans and specifications) and general observation during construction for:

Detention/Retention Ponds


Storm Sewers

Grass Swales

Storm Water Compliance Â

IDEM Rule 5 Storm Water Runoff Associated with Land Disturbing Activity

Soil and Erosion Control Plans

Notice of Intent (NOI) letters

Public Notice

Construction Plans

IDEM Rule 6 Storm Water Runoff Associated with Industrial Activity

Conditional No Exposure Exclusion

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)

Notice of Intent (NOI) letters

Public Notice

IDEM Rule 13 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permitting

Notice of Intent (NOI) letters

Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP)

Part A: Initial Application

Part B: Baseline Characterization and Report

Part C-Program Implementation

Act as liaison between the local entity and regulatory agencies, such as INDOT, IDNR, and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Full-time or periodic project representation during construction

Right-of-ways, Easements and Legal Descriptions


MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides complete system designs for new building facilities and renovation / rehabilitation / alteration projects from initial analysis and feasibility through preparation of contract documents and construction phase services. We strive to strive to improve your work environment and productivity by designing for your staff and clients who will use your facility. Our designs are based upon simplicity, reliability, expandability and cost effectiveness. Applicable State and local codes including Building Code, Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code, Model Energy Code, Fuel Gas Code, Electrical Code, and Fire Code are evaluated during the design process for the following:





Temperature Controls


Gas Systems

Air Systems


Indoor Air Quality

Energy & System Audits
Our experienced staff of Engineers and designers utilizes close communication between all disciplines to provide well-coordinated efficient and economical designs. MECHANICAL AND BUILDING DESIGN SERVICES are available for:

Municipal and Community Buildings

Office Buildings







Data Centers

Wastewater Treatment Plants

Water Treatment Plants



Pools & Bathhouses


MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides design of electrical systems for the following:


Power Distribution

Emergency Power Generation

Instrumentation and Control


Fire Alarms

Closed Circuit Television

Data and Phone Systems

These systems are designed to meet the specific needs of the customer and meet regulatory requirements. ELECTRICAL SERVICES are available for:

Municipal and Community Buildings



Office Buildings


Wastewater Treatment Plants

Water Treatment Plants



Recreational Facilities such as parks, pools, campgrounds, and sports fields



MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides surveying and site planning services for design of engineering projects for cities, towns, regional districts, conservancy districts and not-for-profit utilities. These services are also provided for residential and commercial real estate development as well as industrial parks. The following services are offered:

Comprehensive planning studies and land plats

Provide final design services (detailed construction plans and specifications) for:

Lot Layout

Water Distribution System and Storage

Wastewater Collection System and Treatment Facilities

Electrical Distribution

Access Roads

Final Grading Plans

Erosion Control Plan

Assist with application of required permits

Full time or periodic project representation during construction

Boundary Surveys

Topographic Surveys

Construction and Lot Staking

Right-of Way Acquisition Surveys and Easement Descriptions


Elevation Certifications (FEMA)

Location Reports

Volumetric Surveys

Project Representation

MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides project representation services to ensure that the contractor's work complies with the plans and specifications. During the construction, our project representative will provide the following services:

Serve as the Engineer's liaison with the Contractor in the field

Report to the Engineer when clarifications and interpretations of the contract documents are needed

Conduct on-site observations of the work in progress to determine if it is meeting the contract documents

Consider and evaluate contractor's suggestions for modifications and reports to the Engineer

Verify that tests, equipment startups and training have been completed properly

Coordinate with individual property owners and other utility companies

Review progress schedules and provides daily reports for the owner

Attend meetings with the owner and/or contractor to review construction progress

Review shop drawing submittals and assures that the proper materials are being utilized

Reviews pay requests with the contractor to assure quantities are correct

Provide a Punch List of items that need to be completed and/or corrected prior to final completion and completes a final inspection to assure the list is completed

Provide as-built drawing information and daily log book for the owner



MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides comprehensive planning services, final design services, bidding assistance and project representation to assist cities, towns and counties with complete urban and rural roadway and/or streetscape enhancement projects. The following services are offered:

Preliminary Engineering Reports

Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Planning Studies

Evaluation of all feasible alternatives and recommendations for improvements

Providing detailed up to date cost estimates

Conducting public hearings

Assisting with funding applications such as INDOT enhancements and safe route to school grant programs

Assisting with overall project development

Provide final design services (detailed construction plans and specifications) for new facilities or improvements to existing facilities and general observation during construction for:

Streetscape enhancement facilities including landscaping, sidewalk improvements, drainage improvements, brick pavements and ornamental lighting

Improvements to existing city, town or county streets including pavement design, sidewalks, drainage facilities, signalization, signage, lighting, and utility relocations.

Bicycle routes, pedestrian paths and hiking trails

Act as a liaison between the local entity and regulatory and/or funding agencies such as IDEM, IDNR, INDOT and the Army Corps of Engineers

Full time or periodic project representation during construction

Right-of-Ways, Easement and Legal Descriptions


Parks & Recreation

MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides park and recreation plans, final design services, and ADA compliance assistance for state, county government, municipal, not-for-profit organizations, and the private sector. The following services are offered, but not limited to:

Preliminary engineering reports and design services

Five Year Park & Recreation Master Plans

Park Development


Swimming Pools


Boating Facilities

Picnic Areas


Athletic Facilities


Hiking Trails

Bicycle Routes

Pedestrian Paths

Miniature Golf Courses

Shelters and Restrooms

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Grant Applications

Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Grant Applications

Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Planning Study Grants
Recreational studies and planning require the combined use of site planners, water supply, wastewater treatment and building design. Our firm is fully staffed to provide these design services. We have completed numerous projects for Holiday World Theme Park and Splashin' Safari Water Parkincluding final design of pumping and filter operations, electrical, mechanical, water and wastewater utilities, food services buildings, stormwater structures, site layout, pedestrian bridges, etc.

Laboratory Testing

MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. operates a lab to provide test data to our clients and engineers regarding their water or wastewater systems. This data is utilized for evaluation of operation of systems and for design services. Midwestern can also provide flow monitoring and smoke testing services on gravity sewer mains. Presented below is a list of tests that can be completed at our lab facility:


Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total and Dissolved Solids

Volatile Solids

Nitrate and Ammonia

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Settleability and Sludge Volume Index







Fecal and E-Coli Bacteria

Total and Free Chlorine Residual

Midwestern also provides field testing as well as on-site consultation to trouble shoot operational problems or during initial plant start up of treatment facilities.


Site Planning

MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides assistance to cities, towns, counties, regional districts, conservancy districts and not for profit utilities with project development in the following fields.

Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Building Design, Mechanical, Electrical, Parks & Recreation, Streetscape Downtown Enhancement

There are numerous challenges and issues facing counties, communities, and utility companies. Our staff looks at these concerns utilizing practical insights, gained from the experience of working with our clients over the past 53 years.

Our commitment is to protect our clients' interests from the development phase of a project to its completion.

The following services are offered:

Providing need assessments

Identifying problems or potential problems

Addressing budget concerns

Providing guidance in funding and assistance with submittal of applications to the funding agencies

Assisting in prioritizing the needed improvements

Structuring and assisting with public meetings

Developing surveys (When needed)


Project Development

MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides comprehensive planning services, final design services, bidding assistance and project representation to assist cities, towns and counties to complete urban and rural roadway and/or streetscape enhancement projects. The following services are offered:

Preliminary Engineering Reports

Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) Planning Studies

Evaluation of all feasible alternatives and recommendations for improvements

Providing detailed up to date cost estimates

Conducting public hearings

Assistance with funding applications such as INDOT enhancements and safe route to school grant programs

Assistance with overall project development

Provide final design services (detailed construction plans and specifications) for new facilities or improvements to existing facilities and general observation during construction for:

Streetscape enhancement facilities including landscaping, sidewalk improvements, drainage improvements, brick pavements and ornamental lighting

New or improvements to existing city, town or county streets including pavement design, sidewalks, drainage facilities, signalization, signage, lighting, and utility relocations.

Bicycle routes, pedestrian paths and hiking trails

Act as a liaison between the local entity and regulatory and/or funding agencies such as IDEM, IDNR, INDOT and the Army Corps of Engineers

Full time or periodic project representation during construction

Right-of-Ways, Easement and Legal Descriptions


Training Assistance

MIDWESTERN ENGINEERS, INC. provides operational assistance on water and wastewater systems. Individuals of our staff are licensed operators with a class 4 municipal wastewater license, a class A industrial wastewater license, a class WT 5 (gravity surface water filters) water license, a class WT 3 (groundwater pressure filters) water license and a DSL (distribution system large) water license. Listed below are some areas of training offered to our clients to enhance their operations safety and efficiency:


First Aid/CPR

Confined Space

Awareness Level - OSHA Compliance

Fall Protection Lock Out/Tag Out

Hazard Communication

Personal Protective Equipment

Winter Driving


Uni-Directional Hydrant Flushing

Importance of Meter Accuracy

Water Softener Issues

Backwashing Procedures

Proper Sampling Techniques

SCADA Basics

Wastewater Treatment Sampling and Testing

Summary: Landmark Surveying Co Inc Landmark Surveying Co Inc offers a full spectrum of land development consultation and surveying services in Washington, IN. Our surveyors, Darren L. [...]
15 NE 3rd St Washington IN, Indiana 47501
Phone: (812) 257-0950

Landmark Surveying Co Inc

Landmark Surveying Co Inc offers a full spectrum of land development consultation and surveying services in Washington, IN. Our surveyors, Darren L. Helms, PLS and Dennis N. Helms, PLS utilize and integrate multiple surveying methods and technique for quicker and more effective results.

Land Surveying - Washington, IN - Landmark Surveying Co Inc

Learn More About Landmark Surveying Co Inc:

  • Land title surveys
  • Boundary surveys
  • Topographic surveys
  • FEMA elevation certifications
  • Subdivision layout and design
  • Storm water management
  • Site planning
  • Construction staking
  • Surveyor location reports

We are licensed in Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky.

Contact Landmark Surveying Co Inc today at 812-257-0950.

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Summary: Gabhart Land Surveying 10 Ne 4th St Washington, IN 47501 Phone: (812) 254-130
10 NE 4th Street Washington IN 47501
Phone: (812) 254 1309

Gabhart Land Surveying

10 Ne 4th St
Washington, IN 47501
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